February 22 2024

Cultural and creative industries enabling green transition

ekip policy lab on current drivers and barriers in research & innovation projects

Invitation |  Policy workshop | April 15, Brussels

The European Cultural and Creative Industries Innovation Policy Platform consortium (ekip) is proud to launch its second policy lab. Join stakeholders accross the cultural and creative industries and policy makers for a day of learning, exchanging, and co-creating to help shape concrete recommendations enabling the role of cultural and creative industries in the green transition.

About this policy lab

Over the last decade the potential role of cultural and creative industries (CCIs) in the green transition in our economy and society at large has been increasingly accented by sector organisations and policy makers. The New European Bauhaus is a interdisciplinary flagship initiative bridging the world of science and technology, art and culture to address complex societal challenges such as the green transition through co-creation. The initiative mobilises  and associates several EU research & innovation funding opportunities to support the achievement of the New European Bauhaus objectives.

This second ekip policy lab will address to what extent research and innovation funding opportunities succesfully involve the CCIs as an agent of change to drive green innovation in other sectors:

  • To what extent do funding opportunities succeed in mobilising the CCIs? Which CCI subsectors are mostly involved? And which role do the CCIs take up in funded projects? Does it match with the role CCIs see fit for themselves?
  • What are the barriers that hinder the involvement of CCIs?
  • What are good practices to make green programs more inclusive towards the CCIs?

The ekip policy labs are meant to bring together practioners, experts and policy makers to discuss the role of CCIs in a culture and creativity driven European innovation ecosystem.

Target audience

The policy lab is targeted towards:

  • CCI-practioners/representatives involved in R&I-projects on green transition or with an interest to contribute as an innovation actor to societal transitions.
  • Policy makers on regional/local and EU-level involved in applying the New European Bauhaus-principles in research & innovation-policies and instruments.
  • Civil society-stakeholders active in the green transition.

About ekip 

ekip is a EU-funded flagship-project that will follow the principles of open innovation to establish a policy recommendation engine driven by partners and the active involvement of 40+ CCI-networks. This engine will continuously promote the development and adoption of policy recommendations for CCIs, resulting in support and guidance that enhances the ability of CCI actors to participate in and contribute to complex innovation processes.

How to take part?

The policy lab will take place as an in person-event on April 15 (9:30 am – 5:00 pm), 2024 in Brussels (venue location: 40, Rue Joseph II, 1000 Brussels). We invite you to express your interest in participating by March 15th via this form. Once you submit your expression of interest, we will come back to you with confirmation of your attendance. Please note that due to limited availabilities, a spot is not guaranteed until confirmed.

More information

For any questions on the policy lab, you are welcome to contact us at ekip.policylab@ideaconsult.be. More about the ekip-project: www.ekipengine.eu.

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