Policy as Innovation Tool

Policy as Innovation Tool


Understanding cultural policies and innovation policies: differences, overlaps, and societal benefits

In this article, ekip partner Bodil Malmström explores the distinctions and intersections between cultural and innovation policies, emphasizing the importance of bridging the two to support creative industries and societal progress.

CCI: Many inventions, but little innovation

A sign-language-speaking ghost as a hologram in a theatre production and a circus tent that sets up in record time—just a few examples of how the cultural and creative industries (CCIs) are pushing boundaries with groundbreaking solutions. But why are so few of these innovations further developed and integrated into broader innovation systems? In this article, Caroline Wendt explores this question in conversation with Katarina Scott and Charlotte Lorentz Hjorth from Future by Lund and Lund University. Together, they discuss how the concept of ‘innovation by production’ could take shape, particularly within the European projects ekip and IPA.

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