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This policy brief by the Renewal, Innovation and Change: Heritage and European Society (RICHES) project examines the factors, conditions and processes underpinning the reconciliation of culture and creativity as well as economic and employment growth. It specifically addresses craft-related knowledge and skills as emblematic instances of practices that embed a social, historical, cultural and economic value.
This Regulation from the European Commission establishes a single unified EU title for the protection of craft and industrial product names across all EU countries. This title is granted to products originating from specific places or regions, possessing qualities, reputation, or characteristics essentially linked to their geographical origin, and involving at least one production step in that area. The Regulation seeks to retain unique skills and traditional know-how that might otherwise disappear, particularly in Europe’s rural and less developed regions.
This report by the UK Crafts Council demonstrates that craft skills and knowledge have a strong economic impact and significant potential to drive further growth and innovation in other sectors. It holds several recommendations and actions which ekip is interested in, including “Brokering and co-ordinating business-to-business collaborations between craft experts and businesses from other sector.”