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The 17 partners of ekip bring specific competences to the innovation policy platform. The process of formulating policies to develop innovation ecosystems for the creative industries is compared to an engine. More than 40 CCI network and organisations across Europe are engaged to start the policy engine by defining and giving the engine data about policy areas. The data is then analysed, prioritised, and further processed and brought to the Policy Lab. In the lab, new formulations are produced, iterated, and tested in partner cities ecosystems.
AI technological wave has unleashed a plethora of transformative opportunities, enabling individuals and communities to reach unprecedented levels of interconnectedness, ingenuity, and progress. The CCI, serving as an indispensable cornerstone of our societies, plays a crucial role in harnessing these advancements. Technopolis organized our first Policy Lab in January, that will lead up to policy recommendation that we will deliver to EU Commission and network partners at large.
It is well documented that the cultural and creative sectors (CCS) can play a vital role in the green transition of European society. Innovation policies and funding instruments can empower the CCS to fulfill this role. One significant initiative in this context is the New European Bauhaus (NEB), an interdisciplinary EU flagship project that seeks to connect the EU Green Deal with the everyday living spaces and experiences of citizens. The NEB highlights the competencies of the CCS as crucial assets for building a more sustainable future and mobilises several EU research & innovation funding instruments to support (CCS) actors to create “a beautiful, sustainable and inclusive future”.
Immersive media like virtual and augmented reality (VR/AR) are revolutionizing how we create and experience content. From 3D movies and video games to documentaries and cultural activities, these innovations are reshaping creative processes and deepening audience engagement. However, smaller players in the cultural and creative industries (CCIs) often face financial and skill-related challenges in adopting immersive technologies.
Crafts-led innovation involves harnessing artistic and traditional craft skills, knowledge, and techniques to develop new ideas, products, or services. Crafts such as weaving, pottery, wood carving, leatherworking, and glassblowing play a key role in frugal innovation—creating high-quality solutions that maximize value at minimal cost.