Tools & Methods

Cooperation: Tools / Methods

Closing the Gap: A cheat sheet on inspiring and improving cooperation between cultural centres and local authorities

‘Closing the Gap: A Cheat Sheet on Inspiring and Improving Cooperation Between Cultural Centres and Local Authorities’ is a practical resource developed by European Network of Cultural Centres (ENCC) to bridge the communication gap between socio-cultural centres and local authorities. It provides key elements, prompts for reflection, and actionable strategies to foster collaboration, enhance trust, and initiate structured dialogue between these entities, based on insights from roundtable discussions across Europe.

FROM REACTION TO ACTION: Collaborative Transformation Policies in Culture and Beyond for Future-Oriented Policy-Making and Action

Developed by the Creative FLIP project, ‘From Reaction to Action: Collaborative Transformation Policies in Culture and Beyond for Future-Oriented Policy-Making and Action’ is a resource which invites individuals to discover  how cultural policy frameworks and actions can be updated to better address future challenges.

Creatives Unite – My Intellectual Property

Intellectual Property (IP) plays a crucial role in the cultural and creative industries, and numerous resources are available across Europe to support creators with IP-related information. Creatives Unite has compiled a comprehensive collection of these tools, which can be filtered by sub-sector, language, and specific topics to meet the diverse needs of creative professionals.

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