
Digital Transition / Green Transition: Reports

Adaptive Reuse of Cultural Heritage: Circular Business, Financial and Governance Models

This book demonstrates how the adaptive reuse of cultural heritage, in a systemic perspective, has the potential to stimulate growth, sustainable development, social regeneration, welfare, jobs, income and livability of urban/territorial settings by implementing the circular economy model. It also provides innovative models and a circular toolkit for financing, reusing and managing cultural heritage based on research outcomes and implementation of experimental models in four pilot European territories covered as case studies.

Culture and Creative Sectors and Industries driving Green Transition and facing the Energy Crisis

The brainstorming report ‘Culture & Creative Sectors & Industries driving Green Transition and Energy Crisis’ shares insights and findings for ways to speed up the green transition and to address the energy crisis in and through the cultural and creative sectors and industries. The three main areas of action identified were – the power of culture and creativity to inspire change by creating new narratives, their potential for embedding sustainability in other industries, and their capacity to lead strong narratives and role0model progress towards a greener society. Over 30 people were brought together to work on this report, in the framework of Voices of Culture, the Structured Dialogue between the European Commission and the cultural sector.

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