Inclusivity and Society Resilience

Inclusivity and Society Resilience

Inclusivity and societal resilience are key aspects of the social ecosystem in which CCIs operate. Open innovation ecosystems can only thrive in inclusive, sustainable, and resilient societies. ekip identifies CCIs as critical actors in building better societies that promote the social development of individuals and communities. 

ekip investigates how policy tools can: 

Promote inclusive and sustainable value creation and development, including social inclusion of communities. 
Develop social capital and community cohesion and help build resilient and sustainable communities. 
Foster social and local regeneration of communities. 

ekip takes a holistic and systemic approach to CCIs and open innovation ecosystems. In the ekip engine, inclusivity and society resilience play a key role to understand all other innovation areas and formulate policy recommendations that foster the development of CCIs and society. 

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