Tools & Methods

Sustainable Competitiveness: Tools / Methods

So You Need Money? A guide for cultural and creative entrepreneurs through the financing jungle

“So You Need Money? A guide for cultural and creative entrepreneurs through the financing jungle” is a comprehensive resource designed to help cultural and creative professionals navigate the complexities of financing. The guide was developed by IDEA Consult as part of the Creative FLIP project and addresses common challenges such as understanding financial jargon, identifying suitable financing options, and approaching potential financiers. It provides a step-by-step approach to clarify your financing needs, align with the right types of finance, and explore innovative solutions.

Creatives Unite – So You Need Money!

“So You Need Money!” by Creatives Unite is an interactive tool designed for cultural and creative professionals seeking financial support. By answering a series of questions, users receive a customized overview of financing sources that match their specific needs, helping them find suitable funding opportunities efficiently.

Funding innovation: A practice guide Making money work harder

“Funding Innovation: A Practice Guide” by Nesta offers insights into effectively using financial tools to support innovation. The guide outlines various funding options, including equity, loans, social impact bonds, challenge prizes, grants, and crowdfunding. It provides practical advice for funders on designing and managing funds to maximize impact.

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