Funding & Support Instruments

Immersive Media in the CCIs - Funding & Support Instruments


IMmersive digitisation: uPcycling cULtural heritage towards new reviving StratEgies (IMPULSE) is a Horizon Europe project which focuses on the digitisation processes of cultural heritage. Their work enhances accessibility to cultural heritage through XR technology, fostering diverse narratives and audience engagement.

Creative Industries Immersive Impact Coalition (CIIIC)

The Creative Industries Immersive Impact Coalition (CIIIC) is a program initative developed to enable the creative industry and content creators to capitalize on opportunities around immersive experiences. Their focus is increasing the capacity in the field of human capital, education, facilities and labs, knowledge, methods and validation.


The UK-based CoSTAR Network, funded with a £75.6M investment by the UKRI Infrastructure Fund and delivered by the Arts and Humanities Research Council, is the first national R&D Network empowering gaming, TV, film, and live performance sectors with resources and innovation. The CoSTAR Network connects cutting-edge research and technology partners with the world-class expertise and skills found in specialist research and development labs across the UK to build a national infrastructure that can compete globally. The Network brings small and medium-sized enterprises the opportunity to experiment and grow by providing access to funding, facilities and the lab’s leading researchers and industry experts to enable them to develop a spark of an idea into something that can compete on a world scale.

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